Laparoscopic Surgery, also known as Keyhole surgery, is used to inspect and operate the organs inside the abdomen and pelvic area. It’s generally carried out under general anaesthesia and in some cases under regional anaesthesia. It’s a low-risk, minimally invasive procedure which requires to make only 1 to 4 small incisions on the abdomen for the camera and the working ports. It provides the surgeon with more better and optimal visualisation of the internal organs than open surgery. The surgeon also can perform various procedures like biopsy and diagnostic biopsy for acute abdomen. To perform advanced laparoscopic surgery, the surgeons require a great deal of experience as Dr Ismail and the team holds. There are several factors why laparoscopic surgery is preferred over open surgery for most of the abdominal operations. It has lesser post-operative pain, minimal scars, lesser hospital stay after surgery, faster recovery period, reduced use of pain killers and lower risk of infections.
Ours is a pioneer laparoscopic centre in the country and the second centre in Kerala that started laparoscopic surgery in 1993. We are offering surgical services for all kinds of benign and malignant Gastrointestinal conditions ranging from Laparoscopic Appendicectomy, Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (sometimes combined with CBD Exploration), Diagnostic Laparoscopic procedures for non-specific abdominal pain or doubtful diagnosis, Laparoscopic fundoplication for Hiatus Hernia. The centre has also got a large series of trauma patients like splenic trauma/ liver trauma treated laparoscopically.